Gerald Barry

The Triumph of Beauty and Deceit

Gerald Barry • The Triumph of Beauty and Deceit • Thomas Adès & Birmingham Contemporary Music Group, Carnegie Hall, New York

The singers — Stephen Wallace (Pleasure), William Purefoy (Truth), Christopher Lemmings (Beauty), Roderick Williams (Deceit) and Stephen Richardson (Time) — all showed a remarkable ability to project themselves as dramatic agents amid the musical rowdiness, and they were all rock-solid musically, a tremendous accomplishment on its own.

Joshua Rosenblum Opera News


Gerald Barry • The Triumph of Beauty and Deceit • Maison Radio France with the Birmingham Contemporary Music Group • conducted by Thomas Ades

Virtuose, équilibré, le quintette approche la Perfection: Christopher Lemmings (Beauty) est un ténor nuancé.

Laurent Bergnach, Anaclase


Gerald Barry •  The Triumph of Beauty and Deceit • Almeida Theatre, London • conducted by Thomas Ades

Christopher Lemmings made solid work of Beauty, bringing a lyrical touch to the busy vocal line.



Christopher Lemmings as Barry’s Beauty sings to match (his) title.

Financial Times